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91107. Pan Fried Pork & Veggie Dumpling (10 pcs) 香煎菜肉锅贴 10

91107. Pan Fried Pork & Veggie Dumpling (10 pcs) 香煎菜肉锅贴 10

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91105. Veggie Spring Roll 素春卷

91105. Veggie Spring Roll 素春卷

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91103. BBQ Pork 蜜汁叉烧肉

91103. BBQ Pork 蜜汁叉烧肉

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91106. Pan Fried Chicken Dumplings (10 pcs) 香煎鸡肉锅贴 10

91106. Pan Fried Chicken Dumplings (10 pcs) 香煎鸡肉锅贴 10

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91101. Deep Fried Chicken Wings (10 pcs) 炸鸡亦 10

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91108. Deep Fried Chicken with Salt & Pepper

91108. Deep Fried Chicken with Salt & Pepper